My ladies' Bible study group started last night with an awesome book from the Women of Faith speakers called "Overcoming Fear." (By the way, if you ever have a chance to attend a Women of Faith conference, you should go. The weekend is extremely inspiring and the speakers all have amazing testimonies.)
Last night, we had a great discussion over the first two chapters. First, we talked about fears that we had in our childhood. I was afraid of things I saw on TV and the news - murders, break-in's, etc. I didn't like being home alone. We also talked about fears that may have been passed on from our parents and friends. I'm very claustrophobic, and I know I get that from my mom. I can't remember ever not being claustrophobic and still am to this day. I am also deathly afraid of heights...I think I'm just afraid to fall. I get all clammy and I get weak-in-the-knees. I hate ladders...I don't mind going up, but coming down is another story. I even get scared on the high floors of tall buildings. We went the Hancock Observatory in Chicago this summer, and I kept a safe distance between me and the windows. It even made me nervous when Glen was standing too close to the windows. I really don't know why I feel this way. I have never fallen a long distance or anything like that. It's not like I have past experience to make me afraid now. To me, these fears are somewhat irrational compared to other fears I have.
Probably the most dehabilitating fear I have is the fear of being out of my comfort zone. I don't mind change, but I get extremely uncomfortable when I'm in a situation with people I don't know. Sometimes, it gets to the point where I have an all-out panic attack and have to excuse myself. A perfect example of this is a neighborhood party we were invited to last month. I absolutely did not want to go because I would know very few people and I didn't know the hosts. Glen was persuasive (yes, I was bribed with ice cream) and I relented. We only would go for a half hour. I put on a happy face and went. I actually had a really good time and had the chance to meet some neighbors I would not have met otherwise. I had a lot in common with one woman, who is also a crafter. When I say "No" to certain situations I might not want to be in, I might be missing out on God's best for my life. It's just something I need to commit to God and let him be in control. He's not going to put me in situations I can't handle. I just need to put that thought to practice and be willing to take a leap of faith.
I'm sorry if this got too long - God just put it on my heart to share with you. Some of you might be dealing with fears as well, and my prayer is that you will let God take your burden.
Back to some fun stuff - Rusty Pickle is hosting a challenge on its blog for October - all you have to do is create an altered project using Halloween papers - past or present! The winner will get a fun prize package! Also, be sure to check out Lance's blog for some giveaways this week!
Finally, here's an altered band-aid tin I made for the October challenge. I made templates for the pumpkins myself. Have a great Wedneday! :)
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