Have you tired Vitamin water yet? I've had a couple of the flavors and am drinking the multi-v (lemonade) one right now. It's pretty good stuff especially if you get bored drinking plain water. The commercials crack me up too!
As I said before, I've been dealing with some heavy stuff the past week. A high school classmate passed away so I went home for his funeral. We haven't been very close in the past few years but it was still REALLY tough because we grew up together. It was really hard seeing the big, tough guys in my class crying. Nevertheless, it was great to catch up with everyone - 19 of my classmates came back home for the funeral. Both of my grandmas have also been in the hospital. One grandma had really high blood pressure so they were concerned about a stroke. My other grandma broke her femur bone and had a biopsy done of a cancerous tumor in that same leg. Today, she's headed back home but for the nursing home (which is hopefully temporary). She's only 71 so it's been difficult to think of her going to the nursing home. She'll probably have the tumor removed in the next couple of weeks. I've just been feeling like this is enough already!
This week I'll be getting ready for a visit from my in-laws. They're traveling here from Arkansas on Thursday, staying one night and then going to a HS reunion before coming back here on Sunday. They will be staying a few nights. My mom, sisters and I have a girls' outing planned for Saturday and Sunday. We were originally going to Chicago but had to change our plans with everything that's come up this summer. I think the latest is we're going to Adventureland on Saturday (local theme park where we haven't gone for years) and then shopping on Sunday. It should be fun!
Oh, and the other big news is that Glen and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Saturday! We ended up going to see The Dark Knight (awesome, by the way) and out for dinner at Old Chicago. We were so riled up by the movie that we came home and watched Batman Begins. :) Quick funny story - Saturday morning we were drinking coffee in the front porch. Glen goes into the kitchen and grabs a scissors and goes outside. I'm thinking - how sweet, he's going to cut me some flowers from the garden (we have tons of flowers). But, my darling hubby comes back inside with the top of a thistle instead. I looked and him and said "I thought you were going out to cut me some flowers" and he was like "Oh, I guess that would have been nice. I just didn't want this thistle to go to seed and spread around the yard." Yep, the romance is gone! HA! :)