You're probably wondering where I went to?! Since my last post, I have been sick the majority of that time. I had a bad migraine for about 3 days and then got a bad cold. It went away for a week and I've been sick all this past week. I finally went to the doctor yesterday because I was coughing a lot, had tightness in my chest and a little shortness of breath. It's not bronchitis, thankfully, but I do have croup so I'm on steroids for the next week or so to help with the inflammation in my chest. This is definitely the worst time for me to be sick, but hopefully I will be over it by the time the babies arrive.
We had a week long visit from Glen's parents. They bought a condo in West Des Moines and will be moving up here the end of April/first part of May. We're very excited to have them just 10 minutes away and it will be wonderful to have their help with the girls.
I have decided to resign from Rusty Pickle's design team as well. It was a fun two years on the team! I really learned a lot, made some great projects and developed friendships that I will treasure forever. I will never forget my Amazing Race experience, that's for sure. The two weeks were crazy and very sleep deprived but I know I did some of my best work. Rusty Pickle has another Amazing Race planned and more information is on the RP blog.
Other than being sick, we have been focusing the majority of our time getting ready for our babies! The photo above is what we chose for bedding in the nursery. We painted the walls a light brown color and I wanted very feminine, shabby bedding to go in the room. What we found is perfect and just what I was looking for! We now have one crib all set up and are holding off on the 2nd crib for a little while. We're going to keep them in one crib until they start wiggling around more. I also have a bassinet that has been in our family for over 50 years. My mom, aunts, uncles, sisters and cousins have all slept in that bassinet. We have also bought our double stroller, car seats and a glider rocker and ottoman. I still really want to find a dresser and changing table sooner rather than later so I can get some clothes washed up and put away. We have a few other little things to buy before they arrive. We have had to buy the necessities because we're not having baby showers until after the girls are here. Our friends have been so generous by letting us borrow pack n' plays, exersaucers, bouncy seats, swings, etc. We're still working through names but won't be announcing what we have chosen until they arrive! That's all part of the fun! :)
We have several things you can be praying about over the next few weeks:
1) Please pray for the health and emotional well being of our birth mother.
2) Please pray for a safe delivery and healthy babies!
3) Please pray that we would both get/stay healthy and also for our emotions! (This is all very overwhelming!)
4) Please pray God would provide remaining finances we need to finalize the adoption.
5) Please pray that Glen and I would be able to spend some quality time together before the girls arrive.
6) Please pray for our next meeting with the birth mother and adoption agency to go over the hospital plan and openness after placement. We meet this Wednesday evening.
Thanks for your prayers! I'll try to update again soon! :)