Wow! I was so surprised to learn I'll be guest designing for GCD Studios! Their paper collections are beautiful! I'm so thrilled for this opportunity!
We've accomplished quite a bit more since I last blogged. We found a great deal on a set of dressers at Homemaker's over the weekend and brought them home with us Sunday. I've been busy washing little girl clothes and putting them away. We registered at Babies "R" Us on Monday night. That was really fun! Ironically, it was my hubby who kept wanting to add clothes and toys to the registry. (I tried to stick to the basics). *wink* We're hoping to hit Target sometime soon and register there as well. Our big meeting is tonight with the birth mom and adoption agency. Last night I baked some chocolate chip cookies to go in a care package filled with some pampering fun for our birth mom. I'll put the rest of it together before we leave. I want her to know how much we care about her and are thinking about her the next few weeks. Maybe we'll get a better idea of how much longer it will be tonight too as I think she had a doctor appointment on Friday?!
Well, I best be getting busy. Much to do! I will say I am just itching for some creative time. I think it's been at least a month since I spent any time in my craft room and it's high time for me create! It's definitely a big stress reliever for me! :)
HUGE congrats to you on all fronts!! :)