It's been a while since I last blogged but I've been busy making sure my girls' first Christmas was a memorable one! We ended up with a pretty nasty blizzard in Iowa and ended up snowed in at my parent's house for several days. We even lost power for a while and would have had Christmas Eve dinner by candlelight if it wasn't for my dad's generator. The girls were way too spoiled by their grandparents and aunts. They have tons of new toys and books. I particularly love the new rocking pony from grandpa and grandma, Holiday Barbie's from Aunt Jaime, and their new toy kitchen, shopping cart and food from Aunt Jennifer. We also got some fun toys to help them crawl from Aunt Laura and a new book to read. We were very blessed at Christmas and it was so fun to watch the girls open presents.
Of course, the best present for Glen and me was spending it with our precious girls. Every year while we were trying to have children, Glen would say "Maybe by Christmas." Christmas would come and go and we would be so disappointed. But, God had the most wonderful plan for our family in His perfect timing. And now there's no way we could even imagine our lives without Nora and Lily. I've got a fun picture to share of the girls in their Santa outfits. This picture just makes me laugh and laugh.
We still need to have our own little Christmas with the girls and Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Cornell. And we'll have all the grandparents here for a little New Year's Eve party. I'm looking forward to the new year and what it will bring. As soon as Christmas is over, I always get the itch to clean and organize my house and that's starting already.
Speaking of the new year, I have some fun news to share! I've been selected to join The Scrappy Gourmet as a designer next year. I am very excited about this opportunity and hope to have some project kits to share soon.
Well, I better get my day started. I also hope to have some new projects to share soon. I've been busy working on Christmas presents so I haven't had any time to work on the girls' scrapbooks at all but believe me, I have A LOT of new pictures to choose from! :)
New reader here, just saw the news from Scrappy Gourmet you are a new designer for them.