This layout was made with Upsy Daisy Designs Circle of Friends papers. My sisters are first-time aunts and the only aunts or uncles within visiting distance so they are loving spoiling the girls!
We have been extremely busy the last few weeks traveling back and forth to my parent's house for various wedding related occasions. Thankfully, we don't have to travel again until the wedding. It's such a production taking the girls out of town and they don't always adjust well. It takes them a day or so to get back into our routine at home. Last night was particularly rough for us because the girls have been a little sick with stuffy noses. I was up with both of them at a couple different times last night which makes for a tired mommy. Glen's mom came over this morning but I'm having to adjust my plans for the day. I appreciate her help so much! She comes 2-3 mornings a week so that I am able to run errands and clean. Otherwise, I don't know when I would get anything done as two little girls demand most of my time and attention.
I've been working on various projects for two guest design spots and will have some new things to share soon! I better get busy! :)
So, so cute!!! Pleased to be your partner at Upsy Daisy Designing Team!!! xox Julia Saddi