My hubby totally surprised me last night! We watched the SYTYTC finale together and when it was over, he said, "Let's get tickets!" I about fell over. He never suggests things to do where we spend a lot of money. Usually, it's me! :) We wanted to go to Kansas City, but the tickets were way far away, so we're now going to Minneapolis on October 28th! I'm so excited!
I got a couple layouts and a card done yesterday. I want to get another layout and card done today and then we're off to my parents' house overnight. Mom informed me we're fixing sweet corn for freezing all day tomorrow. It's really hard work if you've never done it and a hot job. At least we'll have lots of sweet corn all year round! (And we're getting "paid" with a nice dinner out - Can you say "prime rib"?) Then Sunday is the American Idols concert and the Iowa State Fair. Can't wait! :)
Here's a photo of me teaching at the Great American Scrapbooking Convention in Michigan at the end of July. It was my last class for the event and definitely more laid back. I look a little silly because I had a bunch of layers on - it was freezing in the convention center!
Have a great weekend!
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