Have a couple more book recommendations for you to share today. I just finished The Hunger Games earlier this week. Stephenie Meyer recommended this book on her website and since I love all things to do with SM, I picked it up at the library. It was a phenomenal book and I can't wait to see what happens next. It's set up to be a trilogy.
I also picked up the newest book in the Blue Bloods series by Melissa De La Cruz. This is another vampire series. It's no Twilight but the latest book Revelations was REALLY good. I also love the story line as it's set up to be somewhat biblical.
If you're looking for something new to read - check these out...they're both young adult books.
I'll hopefully share that good news on Monday. I have a busy weekend ahead...my sister is hanging out with us this weekend and our cousins are coming to stay overnight Saturday.
Have a great weekend! :)