My sister has been here helping us paint our house. I think we're just going to paint the south and east sides of the house. We've been working on the south side for the past week. It's been slow going. I haven't been doing much creating lately because I've been working on the house. We went to the Iowa State Fair yesterday - it was actually beautiful weather. Glen got free tickets and we went to a private Wynonna Judd concert for people from his workplace. She was actually really good and sang a couple songs from when she was singing with her mom. I danced to "Grandpa, Tell Me 'Bout the Good Old Days" with my grandpa at my wedding so it's a special song to me. I'm so glad I got to hear that one.
Anyway, I better get moving today. I have a mountain of laundry to attend to. The card above is just one for fun using Melissa Frances supplies I had from a past Jenni Bowlin kit.
Enjoy your day! :)
I didn't realize we were co-workers. I looked him up..he's just 3 floors away. Small world!