I've been busy organizing and editing photos tonight for our adoption scrapbook. These are just a few of them that I'm planning on using in the book. My good friend Stephanie helped us out by taking these photos a few weeks ago. I really feel like she was able to capture the essence of who we are as a couple and as individuals. It was my idea to take the photos in our yard - I really wanted to show that we are fun-loving people. Glen complied even though he was grumbling about it, but these photos turned out to be some of my fav's! :) We still have some more photos to take of us "doing" our hobbies and I also need to dig up some family photos. Other than all that, I'm ready to start putting it all together! It should be about 20 pages when I'm all done. I'm planning on sending a good chunk of photos to Sam's tonight and then I'll start on it all tomorrow. So....do you think we look like good parents????!!!! :) It's been pretty funny doing our photo shoots - we've had to stage a lot of photos. We took some with our friends at church and we told them all to act like they REALLY like us a lot - HA!
Anyway we've had a pretty good weekend. The weather has been beautiful! I've been out walking, reading and taking a few naps! I'm finally starting to feel better although I do have a cough. I was really craving some comfort food on Saturday so I made a huge pot of soup. It was a new recipe I tried for Cheeseburger soup and I LOVED it! I'll definitely be making it a lot this winter. We've been watching more Olympics of course and also watched the movie, 21 = good stuff! I also watched the movie The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (the first one). I really liked it...I've been reading the books and I would definitely recommend them. I'm waiting for the 3rd one to come in at the library so I read it and the 4th one. I would really like to see the second movie.
Well, I better keep moving tonight. Have a good one! :)
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