Here's a new card using Upsy Daisy Designs new line, Tweet. I love the colors in this one - blue, brown and a lime green.
I've been feeling "okay" over the weekend. Friday was a bad day, and morning seems to be the worst for me.
This weekend I attended the Just Give Me Jesus event at Wells Fargo Arena. Anne Graham Lotz spoke at the event and it was totally FREE! My sister and a couple of her friends from college and my aunt all came and stayed at my house. Anne's message was very simple and straightforward. After her talk, she invited the audience to join her around the platform to accept Jesus into their lives. I, of course, was crying as literally hundreds of women gathered around her to pray. It was seriously one of the most moving moments of my life to see all those women become my sisters in Christ! When I was going through a particularly rough patch in my life, I read a book by Anne called "Why?" As in, why do bad things happen - natural disasters, diseases, relationship issues, etc. It was a powerful book that really spoke to me so I'm glad that I was able to hear Anne speak in person.
Well, I better get moving. I have tons to do around the house today and errands to run. By the way, I have a new headshot of myself for my blog. I needed some pictures of myself for other things so I decided to update my blog and avatar pictures as well. Glen and I had a little photo shoot! :)
Have a great Monday! :)
Darling card and I LOVE the new profile pic!