Yay! It's the first day of spring and it's gorgeous out! I went for a walking workout last night. I call it that because I'm huffing and puffing by the time I'm done and it's not because I'm out of shape. I walk really fast and up hills, etc. Now that the weather is warming up, I'm going to start incorporating 2-3 walking workouts a week besides my gym time.
Idol was on last night and I have to say I'm totally disappointed that Amanda went home. I would have loved to see her on the tour. Kristy Lee has to go! I'm looking forward to Lost tonight and the new show that's on, Mis-Guided. I watched the preview the other night and it was hilarious. I LOVE the actress that stars in it! I can't think of her name but she's been in tons of comedies.
As promised here are a couple Upsy Daisy Designs cards using the Ice Cream Shoppe line. I have another card to post but I'll wait until tomorrow with that one. I just got all the new lines in the mail and I can't wait to start playing with them.
Yesterday might have been the day of bad luck for me but today I've had butter fingers. I was half asleep this morning trying to get Glen out the door. I was putting his lunch together and reached in the refrigerator to get out a big bowl of strawberries. I discovered too late that the lid wasn't on tight and dumped the entire bowl on my kitchen floor. Those were darn good strawberries too and I had a sticky mess to clean up. I also managed to dump half of my Bare Minerals make-up on my bathroom vanity while I was getting ready this morning. I tend to be a clumsy person but good grief! I'm hoping for a smoother rest of the day.
Finally, I'm saving all the goods for another post but I have absolutely been drooling this week over pictures that have been surfacing from the filiming of the Twilight movie. Holy cow! I've been squealing and giggling ALL WEEK! Someone is supposed to be posting amazing photos by this weekend so I'll direct you there when they're up. Let me just say as a teaser that if you're a fan and were ever in doubt of Robert Pattinson as Edward these photos will change your mind 100%. Robert literally oozes the perfection that is Edward and that's just from the photos...I haven't even heard a word come out of his mouth. I've also seen photos of the filming with both Edward and Bella and there is so much chemistry there it's just not funny. If I was Kristen Stewart, I think I might develop a little off-screen romance with Robert. I'm sorry if my Twilight talk is too much but you're going to hear me talk about it until at least December when the movie comes out. You might as well read the books so you can keep up with me! :)
Enjoy your Thursday! :)
Love those cards! I wish my Upsy Daisy products would hurry up and get to me LOL!!!