Okay, I know I promised I was going to get some work posted but I have just been way too busy to do anything else. I have some projects that need photos taken of them so I really do hope to get up something new this weekend. To be honest, I haven't felt much like scrapping. I've either been too busy, haven't felt well or been too tired! I do have some projects I need to do before the end of the month so you should be seeing some new work soon. Speaking of busy,
I am in need of some quality time with my hubby. He's been putting in tons of hours at the church working on the new lighting and sound systems for the new building. We've both had really off hours too. He's up at the crack of dawn and I'm still sleeping. I've been a night owl and up until midnight or so every night while he goes to bed early. It will be nice to start acting like we're married again SOON!!! :)
Last Friday, I was able to speak at my church's annual coffee house night. I woke up Friday feeling TERRIBLE! I think most of it was exhaustion. I had been keeping late hours working on it and it just kind of caught up with me. I felt really sick and then I started to get nervous. It all spiraled out of control. Finally, the only thing that worked was to listen to workship music. I was a bum most of the day getting ready for the night and praying over what I was about to do. Then, when I was getting ready to go I dropped my blow dryer in the toilet! It wasn't plugged in or anything but I still needed to blow dry my hair. The worst part was I just did the same thing about 2 months ago. My mom arrived soon after I did it so she was able to run to Wal-Mart to buy me a new one. (My new blow dryer is no longer above the toilet...I think I finally learned my lesson!) We had around 250 women attend the coffee house night. We were all crammed in there and it was soooo hot! I was glad I was wearing black because I was pouring sweat! :) I think I was most nervous that I was going to cry uncontrollably, but God gave me the greatest sense of peace while I was speaking. There were several times that my voice was really full of emotion and I was teary-eyed (especially at the end), but I didn't break down. It really was a fantastic experience and healing for me to share what I had been through. I keep laughing now thinking back at how people were gasping as I was explaining the process. I was like, "Yeah...I really went through this...I'm not kidding!" :) One of the things I kept thinking about was how my birth mother might have been sitting in the audience. It gives me chills to think about it!
Anyway, I have a busy weekend ahead. I might be cropping at Archiver's Friday night, but if I don't, I'm hoping Glen and I can go on a date. Saturday, I have a work event and I'm hoping to do some Christmas decorating. Sunday, I'm helping throw a baby shower for one of my best friends. We also have young adult fellowship Sunday night. I'm sooooo ready for Thanksgiving and a break from the busyness of life!
Have a great Wednesday! :)
Ok, so if I head out to Archivers I can get that new Irish set? I'm lovin in ... specially as Dan and I are heading to Ireland for 10 days in March. Really liking it!