Not only is this the last project I made with the July Paper Posies kit, but it is also my last project on the design team. I am still pretty bummed about my decision to leave the team but really needed the extra time to focus on adoption and other things I want to do. I was on the team for a year and half and had such a blast working for Anna! If you are ever looking for a great kit club to join, I would highly recommend Paper Posies. Anna's kits are packed with a wonderful mix of paper and embellishments! I made this frame as a bridal shower gift. I distressed the frame with my favorite crackle finish and the little house is from Maya Road.
Now, speaking of adoption....we FINALLY got our home study approval yesterday! It took almost a month since we had the home study because Glen's fingerprint check took forever coming back after he had to have them redone. I kept teasing him that there was something he wasn't telling me...that is if Glen was even his real name....HA! Anyway, the next step is for us to turn in our scrapbook and video. We still have some more photos we need to take because we have to show ourselves in action. Let's just say we've been staging a bunch of photo shoots. I have what I hope is a fabulous vision for the scrapbook so as soon as all the photos are taken, I'll get cracking!
It's a dreary, rainy day here and I need to get headed to work soon. There's a chance I'm headed to Exira this afternoon to see my grandma. Enjoy your day! :)
JILL!! I am so happy for you!